Battersea Dogs Home in London has supplied us with two VERY different but equally adorable and loved pups without whom our family would not be complete.
A few years ago we adopted Kea, a Staffie and Border Collie Cross who is an angel on earth, she's a beautiful black and white dog with the appearance of a Staffie but taller and slimmer and the colouring and markings of a Border Collie including the white tip on the tail. She has an up-turned nose and a passion for playing footie on the beach and chasing seagulls.
Because she was so perfect we decided to adopt Adam a Staffie Cross with possibly a boxer but we are not sure. He's a handsome boy with pale blue eyes, wrapped in grey blue markings and a white body with back legs like Gollum and a seemingly endless appetite (pictured above) who we thought would be much the same as his sister, the little picture on the Battersea website made him seem like the sweetest little angel ever to touch earth. The reality was quite different and so far Adam has chewed EVERYTHING he gets his teeth into including post, the interior of my car, the wall and Keas collar (while she was wearing it!)
He yawns constantly like he has the hardest like any dog has ever known, he will do anything for a biscuit and follows us like a shadow, he smells and sounds like a piglet whenever he does anything and to be honest we wouldn't want him any other way!
Luckily Kea has endless patience with him and doesn't mind sharing her basket with him (he decided straight away he was not sleeping on his own and has been found stretched across he back while she sleeps)
They are a perfect blend and a perfect addition to our household.As 2 people determined not to have a Staffie, we changed our minds when we saw how many need homes and we are so glad we did!